H Pylori bacteria causing gastric ulcer disease
Center : Gastrointestinal and Liver Center

Have you ever had these symptoms? indigestion, fullness or stomach ache, hunger, pain in the middle of the stomach during night time, persistent abdominal pain, dark or bloody stool. Many people may think that these are just common symptoms of gastritis, but these can be warning signs that you have H.Pylori stomach ulcer. If left untreated, this increases the risk of developing stomach cancer in the future.
Peptic ulcer disease with H. Pylori bacteria
The cause of stomach ulcers, medically known as peptic ulcer disease, which directly occurs in the stomach or an ulcer in the duodenum adjacent to the stomach, 80 percent of the patients will experience the problem of being cured, the main cause is a bacterial infection of the helicobacter Pylos, which is popularly known as "H. Pylori, H. Pylori"
H.Pylori is a bacteria that can be transmitted from food and saliva of a partner when you share utensils while eating or drinking unclean water, eating undercooked food, grilled, and burned, including eating out or often eating spicy food which causes chronic inflammation of the stomach, until the lining of the stomach and intestines are damaged causing ulcers, and it is also a risk factor for stomach cancer. Nowadays, this type of bacteria is more resistant. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a follow-up examination after initial treatment.
Key principles for the detection of H.Pylori bacteria in the stomach
To ascertain if there is an H.Pylori bacterial infection, a diagnostic test must be performed. To determine the origin and maintain at the point which is the standard method of examination. It is an endoscopic procedure called Gastroscopy, Stomach tissues are collected to check for infection by various techniques. However, because H.Pylori bacteria produces urease enzyme, which digests Urea, current diagnostic tests are known as Urea Breath Test 13C, by giving the patient a dose of Urea or 13C coated tablets if the patient has such an infection. When the tablets are digested, ammonia is released with the urine and carbon dioxide from the breath. Which the patient's breath will be collected for further analysis.
The Urea Breath Test C-13 or breath test is a convenient, fast, safe, and highly accurate method. To be monitored after treatment, if there is still infection or not without repeating endoscopy.
Advantages of using Urea Breath Test
- The procedure is painless
- The test is for H.Pylori infection throughout the stomach
- Urea tablets are coated with 13C are not radiographically active. Therefore, no residue left in the body Safe for both patients and staff
- Reducing infection due to the disposable sample bag (single use)
- Analyze results easily, quickly, with high accuracy, results can be known within 30 minutes
Preparing for H Pylori test
- No food and drinks at least 6 hours before the examination
- Abstain from food containing urea such as sugar cane juice and corn pineapple juice 1 day before the test
- Abstain from alcohol and cigarettes 1 day before the test. To prevent false negative effects
- Do not use antibiotics 4 weeks before the examination
- Do not use Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), Bismuth drugs such as Pepto-Bismol 2 weeks before the test
- Do not chew tablets
In conclusion, H.Pylori peptic ulcer disease can be treated and has a chance of cure. So make sure you monitor the symptoms you have. If you notice any of the above symptoms, you should urgently see a doctor for consultation and proper diagnosis, to be treated promptly because such diseases, if left untreated for a long time will increase the risk of stomach cancer
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Article of Gastrointestinal and Liver Center